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SQL Server Always On Availability Groups: The Senior DBA’s Ultimate Field Guide
Program Introduction
What this training is all about (17:11)
How to get the most out of this training course (22:38)
Windows Server Failover Clustering Fundamentals
What is a high availability cluster? (6:46)
High Availability: Hardware-level, Operating System-level and Application-level (6:04)
3 Common Types of Microsoft® High Availability Clusters for SQL Server Workloads (12:27)
The Traffic Light Analogy: How Windows Server Failover Clustering Works (7:01)
Windows Server Failover Clustering Components: Nodes (3:19)
Windows Server Failover Clustering Components: Cluster Resources (9:35)
Windows Server Failover Clustering Components: Resource Groups (5:12)
Failover and Failback (7:14)
Dependencies (5:50)
Windows Server Failover Clustering Components: Quorum (10:52)
Windows Server Failover Clustering Components: Heartbeat (3:30)
The “split brain” Phenomenon (6:34)
Planning and Installing a Windows Server Failover Cluster
Hardware Requirements for Installation (16:14)
Active Directory and DNS Requirements for Installation (12:20)
Planning: Asking The Right Questions (22:07)
Cluster Preparation Checklist (4:48)
Preparing The Servers: Adding the Failover Cluster Feature and Failover Cluster Validation (32:16)
Creating the Windows Server Failover Cluster (9:59)
Granting Permissions in Active Directory (19:53)
Pre-staging the Virtual Computer Objects in Active Directory (4:15)
Using Windows PowerShell to Validate and Create a WSFC (14:49)
Deep Dive on Windows Server Failover Cluster Quorum
Quick Recap on Quorum (3:25)
Requirements for a Disk Witness (4:40)
Requirements for a File Share Witness (6:46)
Requirements for a Cloud Witness (2:05)
Difference Between Disk Witness and File Share Witness (11:48)
Partition In Time (9:47)
Typical Events Leading Up To Quorum Issues (6:09)
Dynamic Quorum Feature (1:58)
Quorum Behavior with Dynamic Quorum (5:18)
Dynamic Witness Feature (1:32)
Quorum Behavior with Both Dynamic Quorum and Dynamic Witness (6:14)
Dynamic Quorum and Dynamic Witness In Action with a File Share Witness (21:24)
When the Dynamic Quorum and Dynamic Witness Features Might Not Appear To Work (13:51)
Single Data Center versus Multi-Data Center Considerations: Choosing Between Automatic or Manual Failover (4:26)
Single Data Center versus Multi-Data Center Considerations: Choosing a Witness Type (6:44)
Windows Server Failover Cluster Configuration
How the Create Cluster Wizard Chooses Quorum Configuration (5:41)
Verifying and Modifying Quorum Configuration (14:07)
Understanding Windows Server Failover Cluster Networking (12:13)
Configuring Windows Server Failover Cluster Networking (25:58)
Testing Failover (8:15)
Understanding Active Directory and DNS Registration Behavior and How It Affects Multi-subnet Windows Server Failover Clusters (20:52)
Configuring DNS Registration Behavior for Multi-subnet Windows Server Failover Clusters (6:36)
Understanding Cluster Heartbeat Settings (20:30)
Configuring Cluster Heartbeat Settings (17:19)
Applying the Concepts of Site-awareness for Multi-Subnet/Site Configuration (40:24)
Assignment (11:03)
SQL Server Always On Availability Groups Fundamentals
SQL Server Always On Availability Groups: Basic Architecture (5:45)
How SQL Server Always On Availability Groups Work (6:10)
Components and Definitions: Availability Group (3:30)
Components and Definitions: Replicas (3:27)
Components and Definitions: Availability Group Listener (5:05)
Components and Definitions: Availability (Replication) Modes (21:15)
Components and Definitions: Availability Group Endpoint (9:29)
How Always On Availability Group Failover Works (3:03)
Automatic Failover Without Data Loss (13:04)
Planned Manual Failover Without Data Loss (8:09)
Forced Manual Failover With Possible Data Loss (7:16)
How Is Data Loss Possible with Forced Manual Failover? (10:08)
What Happens if a Synchronous Secondary Replica Goes Offline? (4:07)
What Happens if an Asynchronous Secondary Replica Goes Offline? (3:11)
Planning and Deploying SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Planning Always On Availability Group Deployments: Asking The Right Questions (27:00)
SQL Server Availability Group Requirements (11:19)
This Will Happen If You Don’t Design Your Architecture Properly (5:39)
Licensing Changes in SQL Server 2019 (and higher) That Will Influence Your Design (14:23)
4 Important Questions You Need To Ask For Implementation (6:10)
Common Design Patterns (30:32)
Time to Update the Cluster Preparation Checklist (3:45)
Building a 4-replica SQL Server Availability Group (54:20)
Combining SQL Server Failover Clustered Instances with Availability Groups (33:27)
Viewing Availability Group Properties (17:35)
Testing Application Connectivity and Availability Group Failover (21:39)
Configuring Dedicated Network for Availability Group Replication Traffic (15:34)
What is a Distributed Availability Group? (30:09)
Configuring a Distributed Availability Group (31:59)
Deploying Basic Availability Groups (16:37)
My Favourite Tool for Network Connectivity Testing (18:39)
Running Windows Server Failover Clusters with SQL Server on VMWare (41:56)
Section Assignment (11:16)
Configuring SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Replicating SQL Server Logins (11:57)
Replicating SQL Server Agent Jobs (7:24)
Availability Groups as Failover Cluster Resource Groups (3:24)
Understanding Cluster Resource Dependency Behavior (3:59)
Viewing Cluster Resource Dependencies (8:32)
Configuring Resource Group-level Policies (23:42)
Configuring Resource-level Policies (30:29)
Configuring Availability Groups Listener Name DNS settings for Multi-subnet Failover Clusters (16:42)
How Readable Secondary Replicas Work (9:56)
Configuring Readable Secondary Replicas (7:35)
The extra 14-bytes that Microsoft probably didn’t tell you about (25:26)
How Read-only Routing Works (10:24)
Configuring Read-Only Routing (9:50)
How Load Balancing of Read-Only Workloads Works (8:02)
Configuring Load Balancing of Read-Only Workloads (6:38)
Managing SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Running Integrity Checks: DBCC CHECKDB (17:26)
Configuring Backup Preferences (18:09)
Adding or Removing a Database in the Availability Group (13:27)
Adding or Removing a Secondary Replica (12:17)
Modifying Availability/Replication Modes (12:40)
Temporarily Suspending and Resuming Data Synchronization (7:09)
Dealing With Different Database File Paths Between Replicas (11:36)
Performing Planned Manual Failover of Availability Groups (9:40)
Performing Forced Manual Failover of Availability Groups (6:36)
How the Flexible Failover Policy Affects High Availability (12:53)
Configuring Flexible Failover Policy (6:29)
Modifying Session Timeout Period (11:29)
Performing Index Maintenance (7:12)
Managing Statistics (5:49)
Installing Service Packs and Cumulative Updates (54:39)
Installing Service Packs and Cumulative Updates – Part 2 (68:45)
Section Assignment (18:32)
Monitoring SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
What the Availability Group Dashboard is Telling You (16:00)
Relevant Performance Counters and Wait Statistics to Watch Out For (29:48)
Windows Server Failover Clustering Internals (20:26)
Understanding sp_server_diagnostics in the context of WSFC Health Detection (9:27)
Windows Server Failover Clustering Internals in Action (31:05)
R.A.P. Monitoring (10:20)
The AlwaysOn_health Extended Events Session (36:15)
The suspect_pages table and Automatic Page Repair (7:08)
Using dbaTools to do an Always On Availability Group Health Check (15:14)
Troubleshooting Common Issues in SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
Workflow Process for Troubleshooting Availability Issues (18:59)
Troubleshooting Availability Group Outages: Step 1 (26:04)
Troubleshooting Availability Group Outages: Step 2 (11:17)
Troubleshooting Availability Group Outages: Step 3 (14:17)
Troubleshooting Availability Group Outages: Step 4 (36:45)
Force Start a Failover Cluster Without Quorum (30:30)
Troubleshooting Availability Group Outages: Step 5 (8:30)
Most Common Deployment and Configuration Issues (4:28)
Dealing with 35250 Errors (14:18)
Troubleshooting Availability Group Listener Creation Failure (3:51)
Troubleshooting Read-only Routing Issues (9:33)
Most Common Operational Issues (6:12)
Dealing with Listener Connection Failures (11:56)
Handling Uncontrollable Log File Growth (10:04)
Database and/or Replica Synchronization Issues (4:31)
Why Did Failover Take A Long Time? (6:52)
When Automatic Failover Does Not Appear To Work (7:04)
Troubleshooting Exercise #1 (9:00)
Troubleshooting Exercise #2 (5:08)
Troubleshooting Exercise #3 (7:49)
Summary (14:45)
Understanding Active Directory and DNS Registration Behavior and How It Affects Multi-subnet Windows Server Failover Clusters
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